Company Profile

S.C. HEUSTON & CO (RUBBER) LTD was incorporated on 16th March 1995 (No. 3033920) and started operating as Brokers in Physical Rubber in April 1995.

Company Membership:

Broker Member of the R.T.A.E.       (Rubber Trade Association of Europe)
Associate Member of S.I.C.O.M.     (Singapore Commodity Exchange)
Associate Member of the M.R.B.    (Malaysian Rubber Board)


Steve Heuston (Managing Director)  

Steve joined Far Eastern Producers/Merchants Harrisons & Crosfield Ltd in their Rubber Department on 15th September 1975
with specific duties initially for H and C latex SDN-BHD  - he has now acquired over 30 years experience in the natural rubber industry.

Steve joined Rouse Woodstock Ltd as a rubber broker on the 4th June 1982 and continued his rubber broking career with Wm. Jas & Hy Thompson Ltd on 19th November 1984. He set up his own Independent Rubber Broking Company in April 1995 with an office in South London.  He has many contacts in all the rubber producing countries.

Steve has been on the RTAE Arbitration Panel for over 25 years and is on the RTAE Management Committee.  He has travelled extensively to the Far East and USA  

Andy Speer (Director)

 Andy joined the Marketing Department of Rowe Evans Investments Plc ( REI ) in 1989 a
nd assisted in marketing various grades of natural rubber produced on estates owned in Malaysia and Indonesia.

In 1993 he joined London-based Rubber Broker Wm Jas & Hy Thompson where he formed a successful partnership with Steve Heuston and  in 1995 he teamed up with Steve in his new venture S.C. Heuston & Co (Rubber) Ltd.

Andy has travelled extensively
in the Far East and USA and has close friendships with many of the key producers in Malaysia and Thailand etc and the Singapore trading houses-he is also a member of the RTAE Arbitration Panel.

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Contact Information

         020 8335 3031
         020 8335 3360
Postal address
         Suite 21, Fitzroy House, Lynwood Drive, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 7AT
Electronic mail

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Copyright © 2000 S.C. HEUSTON & Co. (RUBBER) LTD
Last modified: 03/04/2008